



There's been LOTS of crying around here the past 24 hours. The sound has filled any brain space that may have been available for inspiring nice blog posts.

In the movie, the rabbit Thumper's mother reminds him (just as my mother often did):

"If you don't have anything nice to say... don't say nothin' at all."

And we don't right now. We'll post more again when we do. JEB


  1. What a cute picture of Celia! I'm with you. It's been interesting around here lately. I'm just glad I didn't have twins! ;) Hope things get better soon.

  2. But everyone needs to vent sometimes and if someone doesn't want to hear it, they don't have to read your blog!

  3. I have been reluctant to post anything on your blog thus far because my use of the English language just pales in comparison with yours. But please know that through those words you have conveyed the ability to face this difficult time with love, grace, humility and wisdom. Just know that there are a lot of us out here that are praying for all of you and are nwilling to listen to anything you have to say. Celia is a beautiful little girl and Tucker is just the best!!!!

  4. What a lovely pink bow...THAT's something nice. love you all!

  5. a loud AMEN to The Wendels' comment!!!

  6. Although I have never faced your set of circumstances, I find it helpful to repeat to myself a phrase my Dad once said to me - "Just let go and let God." There is only so much we have control over. We are praying all the time for you guys. I hope that this may help you when things get loud and unbearable. We will always lend an ear - reguardless of the message.

  7. It's all about having a nice bow in your hair when you are in a storm.

    Love you all!
