



Looking back, our first blog entry was a bit predictive. Little did we know then how the plot of our lives would unfold, but the following quote, from that first post, may hold even more truth now than it did then:

Obviously, the blog will feature Celia. She’s one epic baby. She’s nothing short of sunshine. She's pure goodness, crystallized. She, in my opinion, deserves to be chronicled in song and legend for centuries to come. Perhaps this blog will suffice.

Father's Day photo, June 2008

I know I don't need to explain myself, but it feels good to do just that. We still use pictures of Celia in the header, and the title usually shows her name. It's not that we're neglecting Tucker, that his story is any less significant than hers. It's just that hers will likely end sooner, that we won't get to share pictures of her for years to come. At some point, sadly, we'll run out.
So, if the blog seems Celia-heavy, if we're not doing a good job balancing photos and quips of both kids, that's fine. For now, it's still her show. She is epic, and we want to chronicle everything we can, while we still have the chance...



  1. Mine is weighted heavier towards one too...but not b/c the other two are loved any less...they'll have their time in the sun too...and Tucker being Cel's brother will totally get it. :)

  2. Yeah for Celia. having you two for parents. And I have a feeling good ole' Tucker wouldn't want to take any of his sister Celia's lime light away. Besides we never tire of seeing any of Celia's beauty. Love to all four and doggy barks to COBI. Brian & Joyce

  3. Speaking as a sibling left behind, Tucker will totally and completely understand someday. He'll have lots he won't understand about all that will happen, but this simple decision he will.

  4. Some day Tucker will truly appreciate the chronicles you have written about his sister, and will likely consider them a gift he will cherish.
