


Ten Months

In the beginning we held him tight and watched him sleep, his eyelids fluttered closed until dark spider-leg lashes rested on cherub cheeks.
At ten months his sleepy darlingness is still just so… darling.  But so is his lively personality!  When he’s awake, happiness looks out through sparkling eyes.  Laughter spills from his mouth and, like good red wine, it warms our veins.  Joy threads through his voice stringing together brightly beaded syllables.  A mini-mechanic, he ducks his head to peer under the hood of life at his level, and invariably his fast fingers find items to reach and examine, to gum and to throw.
Now we hang close at his heels and keep a careful eye.  Brimming with curiosity he lunges ahead, stretching the space between us wider every day.



  1. Tucker can make me smile when nothing else does -- happy 10 months, Tuck!

  2. Oh, no! Behind bars again? Did the TSA find PETN in his diaper?


    P.S. Grandma Sandy has the flu. Not only did I hold her hair back while she vomited...I French braided it. I'm such a good husband.

  3. I. can. not. believe. our babies are already this old! How did that happen? Happy 10 months Tucker!

  4. Happy 10 months, Tucker!
    What an amazing little man you are!
    You have brought joy to so many already.
