


Stained Glass

He didn't approach the project as I intended, but that doesn't really matter.  And why would he, why would I have expected him to, what with his plethora of ambition and his poverty of limits.
He acts with sudden speed. Or he dawdles endlessly.
He throws fistfuls of thin paper at a sticky target.  And then he digs intentionally through the dumped-out pile, searching for just the right color, just the right size, just the right spot to carefully attach the perfect piece.
He is both fast as light and heavy as lead.
Sometimes when I am somewhere, I think about what time I need to be somewhere else.  And it’s usually those times that Tuck finds shiny things to bend over and study, or big things to climb on.  Other times he runs simply because his legs are capable.  He runs to the breakfast counter, to the bathtub, to the front door mail slot.  But when I need him to hurry he becomes enamored with his jacket zipper, up and down and up and down, or fascinated by the way the seat belt buckles, snap and unsnap.
He turns arts and crafts into intramural sporting events, and he turns excursions anywhere into museums of sensory pleasures.
He turns everything into a party, and really, I’m lucky just to be invited.

We've been told that more than $4600 will be shared with BDSRA as a result of Celia's Walk to Fight Batten Disease!


  1. It sounds as if Molly and Tucker would be late for all important events if they were to travel together; but what fun things they would discover!

  2. It can be so neat to see a little one run his or her own agenda! Nice walls!
