


Ice cream

I do kind of want to scream.
Maybe he's hungry.  Or tired.  Or just two, my head registers.
Throw in the terror of losing love, the anxiety aroused by competition, the disturbing shape of envy.  He's hungry and tired and jealous and two.  
Maybe I've ruined him another voice whispers, the stupid part of my brain, the part that ponders words like severe, irrevocable damage.
We gave him a brother, I tell myself.  And I let the rest melt away.


  1. I PROMISE it gets better. It's hard for them and hard for you to be patient on so little sleep and so much to handle. But it does get better. Hang in there and if he wants to eat ice cream all day for a while let him : )

  2. "We gave him a brother, I tell myself. And I let the rest melt away."

    Amen to that.

    We were told that each time a new baby entered the house, the whole "spreadsheet of life" would have to be re-worked, re-balanced. It's true. And, as you know, it happens...little by little even when you may not notice the changes at first.

    Such beautiful kids!

    Cathy in Missouri

  3. Have a glass of wine. Wish I could join you. Blessings!

  4. Jenni, I'm overwhelmed. You express what you see and what you feel with such clarity and gracefulness.
