


five years ago

How do you celebrate your child's birthday without your child?
Hit the pinata especially hard, I suppose.

Or, as a wise friend suggested, think mostly about the day of her birth.
It was such a joyful occasion, five years ago, the day she joined our family and made parents and grandparents and aunts out of all of us.
We may not speak her name aloud each March 7th, we may not wrap her gifts and light her candles and cut her cake.  We will not hang streamers for her and take pictures of her and sing to her.  But we will not ever forget that it's her birthday, too.


  1. Happy 5th birthday to Celia . . . This post made me tear up. I have mentioned on here before that I connect to your family because my daughter is just weeks younger than Celia and my son is just a bit older than Tucker. I am remembering Celia's special life today.

  2. Was thinking of you all and Celia yesterday. In truth, I send a warm thought to your family most days, but yesterday I thought especially hard :-)
