


No, sweet boy, it's not.

One morning last week we met with a minister at church to talk about Tollie's upcoming baptism.  We packed lunches and beach towels, and had bathing suits on so we could head straight to the pool afterward.  Tucker was a little confused about why were going to church if it wasn't a church day.  We did our best to explain to him what baptism means, showed him pictures of when he wore the gown and had water dribbled on his head, told him there'd be lots of family with us to celebrate.  He seemed to begin to understand, as much as a three year old might.  And then he asked for reassurance, "But it's not like a goodbye party for Tollie?"



  1. Oh ~ my heart.

    Oh, oh.

    He is so perceptive. And he knows so much more than anyone would want him to.

    If only his sister were here and he knew less.

    If only.

    Cathy in Missouri

  2. Sometimes I think the only thing worse than my own grief is experiencing it through my children. Lots of hugs to Tucker.

  3. He is like my Gabe...wise beyond his years.

  4. Tucker has had so many experiences in his young life. The good and the sad will make him an awesome person, like both of his parents.

    Sue Kadlac

    PS Did someone build his sand/play table? Where did you get the liner?

  5. Hi Sue! Uncle Adam made the play table (we've had water and sand and now pea gravel in it). I believe that he and Vicky bought the storage container (with lid) and built the table around it... I can get more specifics if you'd like?
