


And the Livin' is Easy

Looking at the calendar, and living the days, I realize again that we're lucky.  Right now we still have lots of time for sweet corn and swim suits and plenty of opportunities for playdates and popsicles.  Morning routines and bedtime rituals cushion our out-of-the-house adventures. And so, like summers before, we're inside just long enough to notice that our home needs some serious attention. I'm learning to love it, seeing the remnants of yesterday’s activities and today's dramas -- the pitchers and pots and spoons and straws, makeshift marching band instruments that litter the floor, the balls under the table and the playfood under the chairs, the abandoned puzzle pieces on the rug, the abandoned tracing templates on the dining table, the abandoned laundry, well, everywhere.  It’s an archaeology of the living. Living. And when I think of it in those terms, it doesn’t feel like such a mess.


  1. Your posts are so poetic. They make me appreciate the beauty of life and nature...having a family and a loving home!

    Live. Laugh. Love!

  2. And I will think of our mess exactly like this. We are just living through our days, spilled toys, sticky fingers and all.

  3. Funny, I was just looking through some older photos and videos and noticed that in almost every single one, there is laundry on the couch that needs attention. :)
