


Gathering, and Gratitude

We spent the week in West Virginia, celebrating Christmas a little early.
We could have taken pictures of computer repair efforts or of eight cups of powdered sugar all over the kitchen, of target practice or magnetic marble games or sleepy baby back rubs.  We should have taken pictures of the after-the-little-boys-went-to-bed dinner and of Aunt Kate's read alouds and of the smile on Poppy's face when he surveyed the living room floor, strewn with kid stuff, and said how much he loved the way it looked.
But what came off the camera card after this trip are mostly pictures of the boys.  They're learning, already, that it's the gathering and the gratitude that make holidays such blessed times.


  1. I'm always so nostalgic about the big red tub. Wonder if Poppy John & Grandma Sandy might ever need a house sitter?
