



He tries to place a fourth block on his tower and the whole thing topples.  He attempts to stab a slice of avocado with the dull end of a fork and it doesn’t stick.  He wants to run as fast as his brother but cannot keep up.  I don’t think of these scenarios as mistakes or failures.  He messes up all the time, but I consider it learning and constantly praise his effort. 
And now I wonder why I don’t give myself the same grace.
I'm not cut out to run a country, but I can run a warm bath for two dirty boys, and most days I can run a household. 
I'm not in any position to make a strong point, but I can make a warm meal, and I can make a small difference. 

I know I'm not the only person who feels like I don't have an ounce of agency, like there’s not a single thing I can do to change the world. 
But I do and there is and I'm trying. 


  1. I struggle with this quite often. And then I remind myself that I'm making a huge difference by being a wonderful wife and mother to my family. That IS huge.

  2. Mothers (and other teachers) can't always see, close up, the importance and impact of their day-to-day efforts, but -- with every decision to do the right thing or model kindness and honesty -- you ARE making the world a better place.

  3. From everything I have read on your blog and all the pictures I have seen of your beautiful children, I think you are succeeding! Merry Christmas!

  4. Finally made it back to your blog!!!! Getting caught up on your family! The boys have grown so much!
    Sending you and your family love and hugs!
