


by letting things go

Of all the medical approaches we experienced, hospice and palliative care were the only ones that felt right, even though that meant our daughter's death might come more quickly.  Hospice caregivers enhanced Celie's quality of life, our family's quality of life, not by adding things, but by letting things go.  We were glad the Pleasure Guild invited us to be part of their Fado fundraiser for NCH Hospice last week.
Andy slung some serious black and tans, and after I poured one Palm without spilling, I mostly loaded dirty glasses.
Tuck proposed a toast to Celia and kissed raffle tickets for good luck.
Not pictured are friends who came to Fado, who've been there all along, who, when they weren't able to lighten the emotional burden, lightened loads like laundry and meal preparation and childcare.  To them, and to the ones who couldn't be there, to the ones who offered to play with the boys while we poured drinks and who extended kindnesses with Celia in mind last week, we continue to be humbled and grateful.

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