


He's got a lot to say

Early this morning Tolliver was pulling leaves off house plants.  I caught him standing on the red chair, which he’d pushed over to the chest of drawers in order to reach the potted palm on top.  Clutching a sticky purple amphibian in one hand and a piece of plant in the other, he explained Frog eat leaf.
I encouraged him to climb up on his booster for breakfast and pulled out a bag of spinach for him to share with his friend.  He asked for dip dip, and although that usually means ketchup or peanut butter, in this case meant ranch.  To make for a more balanced meal I offered bacon, and he promptly turned his strip into a snake.  Snake eat leaf, too.  I also gave him some grapes.  He carefully stacked three spheres to make a showmeen. 
He calls pizza big piece.  We're not sure how it started, but it's one of those things we'll miss when it stops.  We treated the boys to delivery for dinner after an especially long day.  When he arrived at the crust of his first slice, Tollie studied the shape and then drove it around the perimeter of his plate like a race car.  Fast car.  Big piece fast car.  Andy smiled at him across the table and Tollie asked, Daddy happy?  "Yes Buddy," Andy said, "I'm happy.  You make me happy."  With a mouthful of pizza and a greasy-faced grin he said, Meem happy, too.
Upstairs, undressed for a bath, his hands stirred the air as he spoke, No pee on rug, pee in potty.  He sat and did his business, smiled and sought approval, Good boy, Mom-mom?

Yes, buddy.  You sure are.
A good boy in so many ways.


  1. Reading this makes meem happy too!

  2. Jenni Baby,

    Tolliver has an iPhone...while I have a flip phone which was made in the last century...WTH?

    That boy makes a lot of people happy!

    He's a "big piece" of cuteness!


  3. This makes me so happy to read. That moment when he asks Andy if he's happy just kills me.

  4. Is it okay if I just walk in your back door and squeeze your kids?
