


Autumn wins

Autumn wins all the color awards.
We've collected bright leaves, planted decorative mums and been to football games, campus crayoned entirely with the Crayola set “tailgate triumvirate” -- scarlet, gray and beer.
Autumn wins first place for food, a big crown for cool weather and all the trophies for longer nights.
We've been apple picking, had cider and warm donuts, plan to make chili and pumpkin muffins.
We've been encouraged to pull out quilts and sweaters and candles for cozy nights.
We've watched the sun start its job of disappearing earlier in the day, trying desperately to keep its head up until bedtime, failing.  (Dear sun, We can relate.)
Autumn wins.  Until winter.

1 comment:

  1. Tolliver,

    Do you like apples?
    How about them apples!

    I love you,
    Poppy John
