


all good things

Tucker sent us to church this morning, the way grandma described it, with Smoky Mountains and Country Roads. He puts his whole body into playing the piano.
And then boys spent the rest of the morning devouring the humor sections of old Reader's Digests; Tolliver had not yet discovered Humor in Uniform, and read that page in every past issue he could locate. Eventually they worked together to submit several of their own jokes and captions and true stories. It may have been a ploy to avoid helping unload the dishwasher, but they were reading and writing and practicing filling out online forms.
Meanwhile Hank helped me candy walnuts for salads and took care of his baby.
This afternoon I escorted the big boys to different baseball clinics and watched Hank navigate a new playground.
Later we stopped at the library before returning home to blow up balloons with baking soda and vinegar, simultaneously giving the marble countertop more stories to tell.

I am not always as good at any of this as I want to be. But I did manage to spend most of today looking at all three of the boys through the lens of potential. They are good at lots of things, and learning to be good at so much more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Hank takes good care of that baby.... he'll have a new cousin to love before we know it.
