
piano recital

Hank: Beautiful Dolphin


Tolliver: Super Sleuth


Tucker: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (just part of the six minute song)



for these boys

 Feeling glad from my head to my feet for this day, for this life, for these boys.



Sending the boys to school today with tornado warning hangovers, leftover pizza and the moon pies that nobody wants, reminding myself that most of the time they get good sleep and we can have salad with dinner.

Parenting is such a long game.

There was an intentional fire in the woods, another snake at the back door, a text thread conversation that needs to be addressed. There's a cross country interest meeting for middle school and a field trip tomorrow and the prospect of recital nerves... constant conversations about what's important and what's appropriate and if I don't write it all down, I forget. We just keep beavering away at everything, each of us doing our best.

The boys were taking turns on the skateboard after school, holding the leaf blower on "turbo" to propel them toward the dead end, and it felt kind of like a metaphor for life.