


Food Glorious Food

Last summer, we took Celia to the Jazz and Rib Fest. She loved it.
This summer, we took Tucker to the Jazz and Rib Fest. He loved it.
But then we decided he better try cereal before he eats ribs. So, he did.

And he didn't love it. But it was fun.


  1. I can't believe it's time for cereal! Where is the time going?! And how can you like baby cereal after a juicy, flavorful rib?! :) I imagine Celia sent some message to Tucker telling him that the cereal is just not as fun as the food to come. :)

  2. Did Tucker use his toes to push that cereal in his mouth????? Maybe a little BBQ sauce would help!

    I think it's nice that T saved some cereal on his chin for Colby to lick off!

    love you all!

  3. The cereal pictures of Tucker remind me of the kid I saw in the Gallipolis WalMart ask his mom, "Mommy...should we buy cups for Daddy's spit?"(If you do not "get" the line above...please call a redneck friend for additional insight.)

    Love To All 4
