


every friend a brother

The boys watched Newsies recently, and I found myself singing along.
Hank started preschool yesterday, and like one song goes, in his world every kid is a friend, every friend a brother.
Carrying a monkey backpack stuffed with favorite books, Hank began his academic journey with a plethora of ambition and a poverty of limits. He was the first kid to walk into the classroom, and he didn't even turn around to say goodbye. For weeks he's been talking about finding ten little indians and a paintbrush, and we've been talking about taking turns and listening to his teachers.

Turns out Hank was also the first kid to be dismissed, while one of his teachers explained that they'd already nicknamed him "the climber."  Sounds like, at one point, they found him standing in a windowsill.

Apparently every kid is a friend and every shelf is a ladder.


  1. With the experiences you have given him and that attitude, Hank is bound to move up in the world!

  2. Jenni Baby,
    He sure looks a lot like the guy in the "Brooklyn Shipyard" t-shirt to me!
    Have you noticed it? So, school should be easy for Hank!

