


talking shop

It rained a lot last weekend.
The little boys opened a general store, selling groceries and party supplies, nerf weapons and magic wands. Although there were no coffee beans for sale, Andy and I got a good deal of shopping done, and Tolliver solved some pretty big money math problems.
They worked hard carrying products up from the playroom, spreading them out across every single living surface, creating different departments. I tried to pay attention to the details of their efforts rather than the idea that I may be making lots of trips down the stairs when the time came to reclaim the couch.
It’s all a trick of accounting, parenting is. There may be no tangible evidence of the work that we do, but we do it nevertheless.
Lately, I feel like we wake up and, most mornings, one of the children yells Plot twist! Nothing goes as planned and yet everything works out relatively fine.
The boys' store hadn't been open long before it was robbed. They're getting good at plot twists too.

1 comment:

  1. Jenni Baby,
    I assume the robbers pulled nerf guns on the owners?
    The police and insurance agent are just off the kitchen...
    glad T & H were not injured.

