I took the boys to Barnes & Noble over the weekend. Tucker asked, for the third or fourth time, flashing the kind of smile that's nearly impossible not to return. He never asks for much. And all three boys had been begging to go since Easter because the bunny left money, and they each know the best place to spend cash is at the book store.
It wasn't what I most wanted to do on Sunday afternoon, but neither were the long list of chores I felt like I needed to tackle. Anyway it's difficult to deny a continued request to shop for books, and we really had a lovely afternoon. In hindsight, I realize the trip was a sweet opportunity to enjoy my children, as well as an easy way to contribute to their happiness, which actually boosted my own.
All three boys donned ball caps, zipped hoodies, tied shoes on feet attached to legs that seemed to have been sized up since the day before. It's hard to embrace the transience, to notice every flash of magnificence amidst the mayhem. Sometimes slowing down is like a magic formula in which the more time you give the more is available. Together we wandered the aisles, sat on the floor to flip pages, carried stacks to the checkout counter.
The boys smiled the whole time. I smiled the whole time too.
I tried to not feel jealous when you and Kate chose to spend your time with the Sweet Valley Twins.... ;>