


mountain mama

I wondered whether Tuck might like to play the piano in the school talent show this year, but he declined, explaining that he really enjoyed going to watch and had little desire to perform.
I love to listen to him play though, find it challenging not to foist my own great ideas upon him. I accepted his disinterest, celebrated holding back the fierce animal of my agenda while allowing Tuck to do things his own way.
But then he was invited to join a neighborhood band - got the summons and borrowed the sheet music on a Wednesday afternoon, auditioning for the show later that same evening.
We heard that Tuck was full of ideas for how to add humor to the song, how to get the audience involved, what to call the band, what to wear. We appreciate another parent looking at Tuck through the lens of potential, sharing time and patience and encouragement. Turns out making music is one of the things that increases the wattage of Tucker's inner light. And being on stage apparently inflates his sense of humor.
The Mountaineers presented a really special rendition of Country Roads at the Bobcat Revue last night. Curious about what the experience felt like to him, Tucker told us he "had a blast!" And we had fun watching him find parts of himself in the process.


  1. Hats off to Tucker, all the band members, and their fearless leader! I truly enjoyed their performance, and loved how the audience joined in.
