If you were to tell our family's story in a too fast kind of way, it might sound like the story of a child dying. But if you took your time, it might sound like a story about a family who fell in love with their daughter, and how she was such a special little girl that many others fell in love with her, too.
You might describe how our family is finding life in death and how we’ve discovered grace and peace in hardship and heartache.
Our story might be labeled a tragedy, but death is not the protagonist. There are other prominent characters.
We have a large cast of local helpers, and people across the globe are praying for Celia.
And then there’s
Mandy, playing a big role in our family's story, racing the Ironman in an effort to raise awareness of Batten Disease and to
help Celia.
To follow Mandy live this Sunday, visit
Race Coverage at Ironman Lake Placid, and type her last name (Burlile) under Athlete Tracker. (Her bib number is 2023, and the event should be televised, on Versus, eventually.) Please help us cheer for Mandy this weekend. Send her positive vibes, virtual high fives, and feel free to
chime in to leave her words of encouragement here.
Mandy's efforts are appreciated tenfold. Squared. Her predicted times will have her racing for close to thirteen hours. We sure are hoping for dry roads and sunshine and wind at her back this weekend. We sure are hoping Mandy's Ironman finishes in a too fast kind of way...

Jenni & Andy
Too fast indeed. :) I am gong over to send her wishes right now.
Good luck Mandy!
KICK ASS MANDY!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish her the very best!
Also, the floors take about three days for installation, so I'll make sur to post pics when they're finished with the install.
Good Luck Mandy! We will be sending positive vibes your way!
There is one VERY special little girl named Celia with SUPER special parents with really GREAT extended family and friends who are ALL CHEERING for the 100% TOTALLY AMAZING MANDY who is devoting all of her strength and courage for Celia. It's a VERY full circle of people who love Celia. How's THAT for an incredible run-on sentence?!?
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