Sometimes the relentless soldiering on of the rest of the world hurts my feelings. Clocks tick. Holidays and celebrations, oblivious to our circumstances, come anyway. Another school year begins. Mail is delivered. Laundry piles grow.
I don't want sympathy. I just want Celia. I want her back and I want her forward.

I agree.
I wish I could give you that.
We do too!
If I could I would...
Jenni Baby,
Your post makes me feel as though I live in a 3rd world country and someone just asked me, "Are you hungry?"
Love to all 4
If there was something I could do-anything I could do-I would do it in a heartbeat. We think of you nd you family and pray for you all the time, and I hope that you are able to find some peace in the midst of all that you are dealing with.
With Love from Washington
Oh, Jenni. I am crying for you. It sounds like you're having an extra rough day (you have to say extra rough b/c every day is's like when you tell someone their hair looks should say "extra nice" otherwise it implies that it usually doesn't...but I digress...) today and I'm so sorry for that. I am hugging you through the computer...and I give really kick ass hugs so it should make you feel a little better.
I know that and I wish there was some way to make that happen. We do think of you all daily and wish for you what so many of us take for granted. Hearing (actually reading) you voice your pain makes me again think how unfairly the cookie is crumbling in your family. I know you ask WHY??? everyday.
I am sending you some good thoughts for extra courage. You know Love is all around you, but sometimes that's just not enough.
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