
uʍop ǝpısdn

Tucker pauses, occasionally, to look at things from a different perspective.  He's wise, our littlest one.

Our lives haven't felt "right side up" for some time now.  Two words, new to us, left us feeling dizzy, and despite plenty of time to get accustomed, our reality still takes on the dimensions of a fun house mirror.

The upside though, and there must be one, is that along this slippery, crooked path there are lessons.  Although we would never volunteer to traverse this slope, we've learned that it's the descent that forces our eyes upward.



Unknown said...

those legs are the ultimate.

Poppy John said...

Until life leads to; a dirty diaper, hunger, or nap time...it must be a BLAST to be "one."
P.S. I just hope that the prosecutor is a young, single guy...because my lawyer is smokin' HOT!