
on the eve of fifth and second

Dear boys,

As you head off to school in the morning
and as you grow into the people you were meant to be
please remember that we adored you before you knew what assessments were
that we celebrated the sound of your heartbeat before we held you in our arms
that we continue to consider every small good thing you do a magnificent victory

please remember that we are always proud of your best effort
that it is perfectly acceptable to try and fail
and try again
that you do not need to have all the answers right now
that we do not love you because you are perfect

please continue, above all else, to be kind
to be brave
to be curious
to behave, unless the rules are breaking you
to be yourself

Here's to new beginnings
to bouquets of fresh yellow pencils ready to start writing new stories
to magic and music and erasers and early bedtimes
to both of you, dear boys
and to another chapter.

You are loved beyond measure.