

This week marks the halfway point of our third pregnancy.  Family planning, for us, has become a lot more than love.  It means not only creating life, but also avoiding certain death.  Blind to the alternative of being done having children, and after months of misgivings and multiple meetings with genetic specialists, there was still no comfort in the remoteness that Batten could strike again.  

Fueled by acceptance of her bleak reality and filled with apprehension for our future, we took a chance.  Our prayers were never for relief from nausea or exhaustion, but only for this small soul to be healthy.  Fortunately, what could have been a nightmare became the sliver of a dream.  We are still facing horrific loss and so it seems strange to be anticipating something so enormously wonderful, but it also feels just right to be answering death with life.
*Baby boy actually spent part of his twentieth gestational week working.  The kid needs a 1099.


Audriana said...

Congratulations!! So thrilled with your happy news!

Poppy John said...

Jenni Baby,
When "baby boy" does get the 1099 for his paid print media work, have Kate Baby represent him vs. the IRS. "Contract? I didn't sign no stinkin' contract!"


PS- Grandma Sandy tells me that today is, "Boxed wine Wednesday."

Anonymous said...

So very happy for you...you gorgeous woman!!!

The Shelton Family said...

Beautiful picture:)

Beth Ann said...

You are stunning!!!

Miriam said...

You look great! I'm so happy for your family!

Tara said...

Congrats and best wishes to you and your beautiful family. Thank you for continuing to inspire me to live life and enjoy the moments in it.

Debi said...

You are an absolutely beautiful and radiant mom. This child will be so blessed to be a part of your family.
Love and hugs and prayers,

Tommie said...

So much love in this post, so much beauty.