
the annual loop {eight}

Dear Tucker,

The passage of time may be one of the most predictable events on the planet. But I'm not sure how to prepare you to get used to it when I have trouble making peace with the annual loop myself?
How on earth can you be eight years old already?!

Life has a way of flashing before me on your birthday:
You as a newborn baby behind the plexiglass bassinet; you in my arms as I opened the envelope a week later to learn that you were, thank God, not sick; your cheek pressed to the floor providing the universal vroom sound for a favorite chubby plastic dump truck; you in the backyard, singing a choppy version of the alphabet song, distracted by birds and a melting ice cream cone; you, as Clark Kent for Halloween, pushing black frames up the bridge of your nose and pulling apart the top of your blue dress shirt; your face bright with joy at the Kindergarten music concert; your sincere effort to change all the Fs to Ts on the subway in NYC; you patiently explaining blends and digraphs to Tolliver as he learns how to read; your first brave jump from the high dive.

Little fish, big brother, sweet prince, my boy.  I look forward to all the years ahead with you.
You are so lovable, and so loved.


rht said...

Happy Birthday to you, Tucker! Though it's warm enough for these "8" pictures without a jacket, it was cold enough for your first skiing lesson last weekend. Grandpa Rod and I had so much fun watching you take your first steps on skis as you went off with your instructor, Daniel, and then seeing you ski confidently down the Valley View trail about an hour later. We are eager to see what you get into this year... we love you bunches!

Kristy G said...

Being 8 is so cool! Wishing you a year of new adventures, new circuits to build, Lego creations to invent, and love to have. Happy Birthday!