I wanted to use the blog title: "Buttsledding"... Jenni said "no." But the picture clearly shows buttsledding. What you as the reader may not appreciate is the blazing speed and the significant air that was obtained on the third and final run. Napoleon Dynamite would have been proud.
We had a wonderfully productive day, while Celia played with her grandparents. Jenni has a bit of "nesting" fever, so we consulted "the list" several times, and were able to make significant progress in crossing things off said list. Shelves were built, pictures were hung, paint was ... um... painted. So, we made time to take Colby out in the snow, even though it wasn't on "the list." Colby was appreciative, and is now exhausted. And we enjoyed time together, out of the house, and even shared a few laughs with (and at) each other... Laughing is good.
Buttsledding looks fun!!!
I presume one has to be a bit younger and maybe a bit lighter in weight than I, in order to obtain the blazing speed.
Looks like a fun week-end with lots of nesting accomplished. Wow the due date IS fast approaching....YEAH!
Rod can't believe you painted without him! Yay for buttsledding and nesting and laughing...
I love that you guys took some time for yourselves that included fun & laughter!
Bellysledding is equally as fun, although Jenni may some problems with that one right now... :)
Andy my boy(F.Y.I.),
According to the official website of the N.B.A.(National Buttsledding Association)..."Many novice buttsledders fail to comply with safety rule #1 of buttsledding...always examine the buttsledding area for snags and outcroppings pre-snow! Numerous injuries, loss of body parts or function may occur if this rule is not followed. Lassie states that buttsledding was how Timmy fell down the open well. The N.B.A. offers buttsledding classes every fall which upon completion, award the coveted N.B.A safety badge. Don't be like the thousands of injured buttsledders who proclaim...."BADGES? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' BADGES!!!!"
We adore the sounds of buttsledding here in southwestern PA. Our backyard has been christened by the neighborhood as the perfect buttsledding hill. It's now a proven fact that a skilled buttsledder can make it from the top of our backyard to the neighbors below with butt-lightening speed. Sometimes the sleds can't keep up, and are left behind our behinds.
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