Celia is 23 months old today. The days of counting days and weeks and months were long over. You know, in the beginning when someone asked how old she was, we could respond without a moment to calculate: "She's two months, three weeks, one day, 47 minutes..."
Now, we might say, if asked, "Oh, she's almost two." But the days and weeks and months matter more again. And our tendency to count every minute is not temporary anymore. Because our time with her is.
So today we celebrate 23 months. (And the fact that she can wear her hair in a ponytail!) And tomorrow, we'll celebrate 23 months and one day. And when our custodial period runs out, we know Who will assume custody and there's some comfort in knowing that...
Although we can't fully imagine, we'll join you in that comfort . . .
Celia's hair really is amazingly beautiful . . . and it's truly a pleasure to see all the cute things you're able to do with it! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Every girl needs the ponytail option. Welcome to the club, Celia!
There's nothing like a beautiful red-haired pony tail to brighten the day.
Celia is helping us all learn to be present in this moment; and that Presence is awesome.
How eloquent you are in writing about such frustrating circumstances. I admire you.
Love the ponytail. I miss mine.
Oh, Celie...your ponytail is most excellent! ;o)
Hi Jenny and Andy...this is Kate's friend, Hilary's, sister, Tiffany. Got that? :) (Are we in Ferris Beuller?) Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you all and wishing nothing but the best in all of your struggles. I'm going to follow your blog and keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I admire your openness and your ability to enjoy every moment you have with Celia. Please know that I am listening and thinking of you all.
Congrats on Tucker! :)
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