
Yes Man

One of Tucker's favorite words is Yes.  He writes it on notes and hangs them around the house: Yes, yes, yes, please, it says, at five-year-old eye level on the front of the coat closet.  Tollie's at the top of the stairs, so he'll see the note as he comes down the steps, and Tuck's hoping he'll read it and do what Tuck wants him to do.
Tuck responds to most questions with yes, an exuberant fist raised in the air, the corners of his mouth upturned.  He and Tollie sing-song the word back and forth, or Tucks slams it against Tollie's No. Sometimes they Bugs Bunny each other, as Andy describes it, and one tricks the other into saying the word they hadn't been saying (you know, the "rabbit season, duck season" episode).
Still, Tuck hangs on to Yes.  Actually, his brother might be the very reason Tuck likes Yes so much.
Tolliver's current favorites include No and Nothing and Not.  

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