

As often as Tollie says "I know" (which I know he will grow out of, but right now, it's A LOT)
Tucker says "Thank you."

Thanks for taking us to the pool today, Dad.
Thank you for making me ravioli for dinner, Mom.
Thanks for letting us stop at the playground today.
Thanks, Dad, for letting us get chicken wings.
Thank you for downloading new songs for my iPod.
Mom, thanks for getting us milkshakes after piano lessons this afternoon.

Tuck's appreciation is pretty regular, and so genuine.
He is growing into one of the most gracious people I know.


The Wendels said...

Just like his momma.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing, Mary. I remember, like it was yesterday, the number of "Thank You's" I heard in your classroom as you worked with your students, Jenni.