
on getting older

Parenting is not for the faint-hearted.
On his birthday, a rare day off to do nothing, Andy walked the neighborhood kids to school, navigating frozen sidewalks and falling downs. He scrubbed sick-kid mess from bathroom grout, folded laundry and called for a roof inspector to evaluate yet another leak.
He laughed about it all, shrugging off the invisible incline he'd been climbing, a true testament to his increduibly cheerful spirit, and to our luck in a having him around.
The boys and I did make him a birthday cake with bourbon glaze, so the day had some redeeming parts, just like getting older might too.


rht said...

Andy will age more gracefully than the best bourbons, but he'll never get old!

Poppy John said...

Andy My Boy,
Medical question...does the "bourbon" in the glaze kill all of "blowing out the candles" kid spit germs?

Happy Birthday!