
block party

The local blocky party has been around for eighteen years now. In addition to annual favorites, this year's activities included homemade front lawn mini-golf and a bubble truck.

not pictured:
the teenagers (calling Bingo and playing putt putt and helping little people craft cardboard swords and shields...)
the potluck spread -- so many traditional favorites (empanadas! fresh bread! carmelitas! macaroni balls!)
the bounce house and the baby pool, the face painting station and the euchre games
all the grown ups gathered at tables for a shared evening meal


rht said...

I didn't know that Bubble Trucks were a thing!? What fun! And where are the putt-putt holes now? Surely they weren't a one-time think with all the work that went into construction... I'd love to play sometime.

Anonymous said...

What a party. I want to be your neighbor. So fun. Jamie 😘