
pictured, and not

annual caroling with high school choir friends and a chili bar with neighbors, a slime-making playdate and a RiverFam pajama party, lunch and Keno with the West Virginia Poppies and doughnuts with pals in from Tahoe, soup Christmas and cousins all around and a football playoff, elf traps and Lego sets and new board games, the candlelight service and pickles to hide, SPAM for breakfast plus two harp performances, a gingerbread house extravaganza and cocktail sauce lessons, a home full of music and hearts eager with the anticipation of travel, special events and so many ordinary moments mixed in with holiday highlights:


rht said...

love, Love, LOVE

Anonymous said...

The family picture at the start of this post is absolutely beautiful! Your boys are all so grown up…and you and Andy don’t look like you have aged at all. ❤️ (Linda K)