We love it here. For lots of reasons. Not the least of which is our neighbors. Around Easter, the little girl across the street baked and delivered iced holiday cookies, and on a day that we needed a pick-me-up, the sugar, and her sweet smile, worked wonders. And our next door neighbor has been an incredible source of information and inspiration. She works for the county, and has hooked Celia up with some of the best therapists around. As a technology guru and speech therapist herself, she knows everything there is to know about adaptive technology; she prolonged Celia's enjoyment of several favorite toys by sharing a switch activator, and has found numerous things for us to try with Celia to keep her engaged and content. One door down from her, the entire family has pitched in... the first time they mowed our lawn we were away, and although we appreciated the mysterious good deed, we hated not knowing whom we could thank. Since then, we've caught them outside on several occasions, mowing, trimming, edging, bagging... caring for our yard as if it were their own. Across the street, Colby's been invited to attend doggie day camp with two of his best canine buds this summer, in their big, green backyard. Colbs is most excited about the kiddie pool the neighbor dogs have promised to share with him, and we're thrilled thinking we'll get a break from his nails clicking on the hardwood as he follows us around all day...
One evening last week when we were without a computer, we enjoyed spending time in the rocking chairs on the front porch (
remember when we pledged to do that more often after the power outage last fall?), and we talked about how much we love it here, how grateful we are to be surrounded by so many good people. We looked out across the yard, and beyond, and appreciated the fruits of our neighbors. Even more, though, we appreciate our neighbors themselves and the kindnesses they've shown. Our family is thriving, due in large part to so many who have, literally and figuratively, fed and watered us, who have, through their labor, allowed us extra time to nurture our own little saplings...
I adore that photo, Sis. And I love your neighbors too.
You never fail to touch our hearts at the deepest level, and remind us what is most important in this life.
I had neighbors like that on Parkridge Drive when you, Jenni, were as little as Tucker and Celia- they make for long term BEST FRIENDS, even if you move miles away. You are so Blessed in so many ways and I love that you can recognize that. Love Joyce
Andy and Jenni Baby,
(PJFG) Poppy John Freaking Guarantee...
What this country needs is a good 25 cent cheeseburger AND more neighbors like yours!
Love to all 4
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