I’m a cautious driver. I buckle her in and look both ways and stick to the speed limit. Still, lipopigments build up in her body’s tissues. I do alright in the kitchen. I make decent, well-balanced meals, and I feed her local and organic when I can. Still, lipopigments build up in her body’s tissues. I am a teacher. I know that reading and signing and talking and singing are important, and I do those things routinely. Still, lipopigments build up in her body’s tissues.
I am not a neuroscientist. Or a gifted researcher. I am not a magician or a miracle worker. Even if I were a wrestler, I couldn't take them down. No matter what I do, lipopigments build up in her body's tissues.
All this makes me think I'd better buy stock in boxes of tissues...
I'm going to need tissues after that post!! I can't imagine the frustration you feel. Thinking of you.
You may not be able to beat them, but you're the best thing for Celia!
Jenny wish my loving you from here could help.
Jenni Baby,
So many people love YOU and what you do for CELIA. We all have reached for the tissue box.
#*&%@# lipopigments!
Love to all 4
If only there were words.....
Lovin the new pic of Cel. What a cutie pie!
I'm hatin' lipopigments right along with you!
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