
it all really is

As this summer draws to a close, it's not exactly sad, but there's some kind of reckoning with another undeniable marker of the passage of time - time spent, time remaining, how precious it all really is.


Poppy John said...

Jenni Baby,
Please have the boys stay away from any blue-green algae. Three local dogs have died from Ohio River water exposure. With this heat, it is appearing in "moving" water now!
It is becoming a problem throughout the country. Sad.


rht said...

Let me remember you, voices of little insects,

Weeds in the moonlight, fields that are tangled with asters,

Let me remember, soon will the winter be on us,

Snow-hushed and heavy. Sara Teasdale (September something)

Could be a good choice for the writing idea you recently shared with me??
Will you forget me....