
so many "aminals"

We visited the zoo and the Wilds this week, allowing the boys plenty of opportunities to remind us that they know way more about animals than we do.

For example:
extirpation is when an animal becomes extinct only in a certain area
a group of giraffes is called a tower
ostriches have three stomachs, and they swallow rocks

*I did not fact check these things, but docents and safari guides seemed pretty impressed slash in agreement


rht said...

I loved every minute of our time at the Wilds -- and learned a few things myself!
"It's raining now, but it's been a beautiful day."

Poppy John said...

Jenni Baby,
Those boys are very blessed!

And apparently intelligent and well read...
unlike Poppy,
who had to double check the meaning of "docent" via Google.