
The Hills are Alive

Well, the dining room is anyway. With the sound of music (if you'll allow me to call it that). It's just me and Celia at home today - no errands, no appointments, not too many chores on the agenda. So after lunch we slid the highchair up to the piano, and Cel spent some time banging on the keys.

As for Celia's little sibling, he or she rocked out to the "music" too - I imagine Celia's song was a pleasant diversion from my heart beat, 24 weeks at number one on the womb hit parade...



Joyce Donahue said...

I think I can hear the sound all the way here...It is the music of LOVE!

rht said...

Yay for Aunt Joce for getting a word in edgewise... I just left Celia making music with her Daddy, while Mommy & Betz Baby #2 run a few errands.

Grandma Jan said...

Oh my goodness - let me sign her up for piano lessons!

Grandma Jan