
penguin companion

I've lived with Tolliver enough to know that he falls in love hard and fast. 
I'm not sure how long this little guy will be his favorite, but I imagine it will be spectacularly fleeting, and I do not want to forget. This plush penguin has not left Tollie's side lately. I've enjoyed watching his imagination and creativity bloom around ideas for his buddy, and I'm grateful for grandmothers who cater to his whims.


Kate said...

So glad my nephews know the instant gratification of RoRo.... :)

rht said...

I hope that little camo shirt lasts as long as the love affair... ;)

Poppy John said...

Jenni Baby,

When I glanced at Tolliver's t-shirt in picture #1, I thought it said "Let's Stall For Bed Time".
I would bought that for Sis and Molly.


Kristy Grachek said...

I love this! RoRo is the best!