Colby is not eligible for the Red Cross babysitting course; our local list of offerings clearly indicates you must be eleven to enroll in the training class. (Colby's birthday is approaching, and he'll turn eight at the end of May). But perhaps it's a good thing he's a delinquent babysitter; otherwise I might decide to leave him in charge and head for the nearest highway, attempting escape much the same way Colby does when we inadvertently leave the backyard gate open...

Although he isn't qualified to
take care of Cel and Tuck, Colby's more than qualified to
care for them. He's uber-empathetic, accompanying their cries with languishing, low howls. And he's agreeable to sharing toys, will trade his red ball for their squeaky giraffe (see top). He shares his dog food too (see above), tidies up the floor around the highchair and licks messy faces clean. He even acts as a "stop" on one side, to assist with diaper changes once babies begin to roll, or as a pillow when they're working on sitting up (see below).

It's true, dogs do make the best of friends.
Would you be willing to trade Colby to me for...
(1)Elderly hound with excellent sense of smell(diaper checks and lost items).
(2)"Freaky" polydactyl(opposable thumb claw!)cat that could be taught to help pick up dropped items around the house!
Just curious.
Hurry, this "two for one special" expires May 1, 2009
Love to all 4(AND Colby!)
Love that huge smile!
I love it!! :) Is that Tucker in the last photo? If it is, he is getting so big so fast! He looks a lot like Celia!!
Do you still shave Colby? Does it help a lot with the hair? Our house is absolutely covered in hair and its making me insane. As much as I would love to, I don't let Gracie and the dogs hang out too much because the hair is so gross.
Happy eighth Birthday to Colby the end of May............wow, time flies, he was just a puppy jumping all over me trying to lick my face when we first met.
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